Monday, March 30, 2015

Palm Painting and Another Value Game

Hello all! So yesterday was Palm Sunday. On Saturday, at Bridges, Ms. Endreson and I started off the day with Palm Sunday in mind. Art therapy was scheduled to start right away that morning so my job was to quickly clean off some palm branches. What better way to get the patients excited about art than to introduce them to some new and interesting materials?

The art group started with a few comments from patients like "what is this stuff?" to "oh it's so beautiful. I never would have thought!" when they saw an array of palm branches sitting on the art activity table. So as the patients made up their minds about how they felt about the little pieces of nature in the room, Ms. Endreson and I began handing out palettes of acrylic paint. Here are some of the amazing pieces we ended up with after an hour or so:

This is my personal favorite. Just look at those eyes and teeth! 

Here's an example of a "Before" and "After" (in case you were confused about  what kind of palm branches I was talking about) 

This patient was very meticulous about the way he wanted me to glue things together. I appreciated his attention to detail. 

This flowery piece was a collaboration between me and a lovely patient who was rather disoriented herself but could give me very direct instructions about color and composition. I was happy to comply and do the dirty work for her. 

This patient was incredibly focused while she worked. She sat and worked for a longer time than both Ms. Endreson and I expected!

I mentioned the image of an elephant when we first started the project and was so happy to see a patient take that as a challenge and create his own! 
I was the glue gun master of the group and many patients got creative and had me help them stick pieces together to create new and exciting shapes. I noticed a lot of patients built off of each other's ideas. If one patient saw another glue an extra piece to their project, they would begin to think about adding a new dimension to their own. Even color choice was something that the patients shared and inspired each other with. When Ms. Endreson asked how the patients felt about the project, they all agreed that it was a "great distraction" from the discomforts of the day. Usually, in the morning, patients groan and moan about soreness and tiredness, but we heard none of that during the project. One patient (the one who created the crazy bunny thing) even spoke up and said: "My bad dislocated shoulder had to rest on the side of a chair while I was painting, but it didn't bother me."

After the Palm Painting exercise, we took a long break. Ms. Endreson decided to have a quick group session later in the afternoon. The focus of the group was "Boundaries." We handed out a worksheet with the following little graphic on it:

I personally really liked the little illustration

The patients listened intently for about 30 minutes but grew restless after a while (they knew the UofA basketball game was going to start very soon).

While most of the patients glued their eyes to the TV in the ward to watch basketball, Ms. Endreson and I noticed that another patient--we will call her Y for confidentiality--was not as invested in the game. So we took the opportunity to have her do the Value Game! 

Y was much more talkative than P, but followed along with the game quite well. She was admitted only that morning to Bridges. Due to an unfortunate event in her family, Y had had her sister check her in for her own good. The past few weeks for her were stressful and led to depression. She did not have severe dementia, which made her a better candidate for the game. Here were Y's final 8 visual choices: 

From the top left, moving right and then down: "Self-Knowledge," "Popularity," "Monogamy," "Caring," "Fun," "Excitement," "Family," and "Contribution"
Like P, Y spent a much longer time categorizing the word cards. She even explained during the activity that: "With the pictures, I can visualize what they mean to me. But the words are different." She explained her choices as she went along through the game and I noticed that she made more general comments when she came across the words. When she saw images, she refereed to specific people in her life and family: her parents, children, and grandchildren. Her final word choices were: family, loving, self-knowledge, independence, solitude, god's will, and dependability. 

If you noticed, she made two of the original matches: family and self-knowledge! Whether that shows more that I did a good job with making the original matches in the first place or not, it was interesting to note how important those two values were to her.  

In the end, Y wrote her word choices in a journal that she decided to keep while in recovery. She even acknowledged that, in her image choices, she only picked one (the yoga image) that focused on herself. Obviously, family and relationships meant a lot to her. Y didn't make a comment, like P did, that told us that the game was especially helpful to her, but she was able to let a lot out during the hour-long session. The images all triggered stories that she eagerly shared with us. 

So Saturday was an incredibly eventful day and I enjoyed every minute of it! I'm going back to Tucson tomorrow and look forward to some more fun projects and value games. 

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Chair Aerobics and Birdhouses

Hello everyone! I hope you all started your weekends off well. I just returned home from Tucson after a long two days of art therapy with the Bridges patients. I have so many things I would like to share, so I'm going to describe the Friday events and then talk about Saturday in a later post. Enjoy!

I arrived at Bridges Friday morning to find that there were twelve patients on the unit. I recognized about five faces, but the rest were completely new. Despite the obvious variety of patients and differences in emotions that morning, I noticed that everyone (including me) was a bit tired and lethargic. Ms. Endreson had a perfect solution during our early group session. Five patients, Ms. Endreson, and I all gathered in the art room to get some exercise the form of chair aerobics! 

This video is the exact one we watched to get our blood pumping. The patients seemed to really get into it! And I don't blame them...that Paul Eugene guy is quite encouraging! (that smile though) It may not have been art therapy, but it was a wonderful bonding experience. 

Anyway, all chair dancing aside, the art therapy activities of the day on Friday were Pill Drawings and Birdhouses. The Pill Drawings came first. After lunch, Ms. Endreson and I sat down with four patients and passed out worksheets to each one of them. In order to have the patients confront their feelings about medication and form ideas on paper we had them all illustrate comicstrip-like things. Here is an example done by one of the patients: 

"Draw a Person Taking a Pill"

Each patient started with a very literal drawing of a person with a cup of water in one hand and a pill in the other. However, in the other three boxes, when they were asked to represent what the pill does, how the person feels about taking the pill, and what the friends and family thought about the pill, their drawings began to differ. Some patients drew people who felt very happy when they took the pill, while others drew people who felt like they were being forced. One of the things I noticed was the detail of drawing not themselves, but just "a person." The patients weren't necessarily talking about themselves when they were filling in the boxes, but put their own feelings into it. They were disconnected just enough to be able to express their feelings in a safe way. Yes, some patients drew pictures that they labeled as themselves, but others kept it ambiguous.

After the Pill Drawings, patients seemed rather drained and tired. I've learned that it's very important to gauge how the patients are feeling when it comes to organizing the next activity. So, because the general atmosphere was sleepy and unmotivated, Ms. Endreson and I decided to provide the patients with a structured, easy project to end the day: birdhouses. The art therapist-to-patient relationship-- I've noticed--is greatly enhanced when the therapist is viewed as "a provider." This is especially true in a geropsych ward like Bridges, where the patients'  few possessions are locked away until they are discharged. So the $1 birdhouses we provided the patients with seemed to brighten their days quickly.   

I sat down with a few patients and painted along with them. One patient with severe dementia seemed to need a hand so I helped her pick out colors and showed her "up and down" brushstrokes. She was still quite disoriented and kept painting the table instead of her birdhouse, but kept a smile on her face. It seemed that the general environment of being at a table with other people was enough for her to feel happy. 

Here are some of our lovely masterpieces: 

The patient who created the red and black house described it as a "Jailbird's House" 
Many of the patients didn't want to leave behind their birdhouses to go get dinner as our session came to an end, so I'd say it was time well spent. In fact, the birdhouses were so popular that patients came back on Saturday eager to do more. But we had an even more exciting project up our sleeves. I'm excited to share that project and another description of the Value Game with you all in my next post :)

Until Then!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Testing the Value Game

Hello again!

I apologize for the rather abrupt ending to my last post. I will admit that was due to both a lack of motivation during my blogging session as well as a genuine feeling that the value game needed its own post. So here goes.

Out of the ten patients in the geropsych ward at the time, Ms. Endreson helped me identify one who would be most suited for the value game activity. We decided that it would work best with a higher functioning patient--that is, one who doesn't have severe dementia or schizophrenia. So we selected one of the younger patients--we can call her P for confidentiality sake-- who has major depression and is a partial paraplegic.

I believe some of you might have been confused by my last description of the game so I'm going to give a quick review. The idea was to identify the changes visuals make when patients have to sort what is most important to them. We had P sort 50 images first and then 50 words afterwards. Here was our series of steps:

Step 1. Split the 50 visuals into "Important" and "Not Important"

Step 2. Put the "Not Important" visuals to the side and split the remaining "Important" cards in half, again categorizing them as "Important" or "Not Important"

Step 3. Repeat step 2, again narrowing down the "Important" pile

Step 4. Narrow the final "Important" group of images down to 8.

Here are 5 of the 8 images that P picked (it seems I left the other 3 she picked back at Bridges...I will have to retrieve those later):

From top left the visuals were meant to correspond to "Genuineness," "Openness," "Nurturing," "Service," and "Popularity." 
After P picked her images, I watched closely as Ms. Endreson encouraged her to explain what each images meant to her and why she picked them as her most important. I found that the images all meant more than the single-word descriptions I had originally paired them to. For instance, the top left image represented "family" to P, rather than genuineness, because she was of african american descent. P explained that the butterfly image represented "freedom" to her, which was very close to "openness," but the images was obviously more complex to her. Other image interpretations were more obvious, like the mother-daughter image and the soldier; P reminisced about her relationship with her daughter and informed us of her military family. And finally, the bottom right image reminded P of "attractiveness" because, as she explained to us, she and her friends used to go out and enjoy themselves and that is when she felt beautiful.

P seemed to really enjoy the image sort and had a definite smile on her face after she was able to explain all her choices. So we quickly channeled her excited attitude and had her sort the word cards. The steps were exactly the same, but this time she only had small cards with single words and brief descriptions on them. I noticed that it took P a bit longer to categorize the cards; she would look at a card and have to wait a few moments to grasp the meaning of it, whereas--when she had a visual--she would quickly connect to it and place it in a category right away.

Despite the slower reactions, P was able to narrow her value cards down to the 8 most important. The three she seemed most sure about were "Purpose," "Fitness," and "Family." Our last step was to have P lay out her 8 image choices and 8 word choices and try to make connections between them. Her way of making connections was to group them. So she proceeded to put several of the images in the group with her "family" card and other images with "Purpose" and "Fitness."

I noticed that she did not make any matches that were originally intended; she did not match the "Purpose" card with the image that I had originally picked to represent purpose. But I had a feeling something like that would happen and was happy that she found her own connection in the images. Our final task for P was to ask her to single out one image-word pair that was her most important, her greatest priority at the moment. After long deliberation, she ended up choosing "Purpose."

Overall, throughout the entire 45 minute session with P, I was able to observe some major differences in her reactions based on the visuals we provided. The images brought more stories out of her and led to long conversations about her family and childhood. At the end of the session, as P wheeled out of the art room, she asked if I could make copies of the 8 images she selected (and one of a magazine cut-out of David Beckham I cleverly stuck in the game to represent "attractiveness"...I don't blame her) for her to keep. She eagerly thanked Ms. Endreson and I for spending the time with her and told us she though the activity was "really fun." As she rolled away she said: "I feel so much better after doing that, so thank you...Everything happens for a reason. I was crying before but now I feel so much better."

The positive reaction we got was incredibly encouraging and Ms. Endreson and I both agreed that we would like to have more 1on1 sessions with other patients very soon. I hope you are as excited to hear about future results as I am.

Until next time!

Hats and Values

Hello again. I hope you had a lovely weekend! Mine started with great news on Saturday morning that Ms. Endreson was feeling much better and I had a whole day of art therapy ahead of me. 

We started the morning with a quick group session. There were a number of new patients, so we decided to have everyone get to know each other as much as they could. With a group of about 5 or 6 patients gathered around a few tables (some patients tend to join the group and leave within seconds...we don't take it personally though), we paired up again and conducted mini interviews. I had a lovely conversation with two older women. However, they both had severe dementia. One confessed that she loved to chat and proceeded to spill out stories that never connected in any way. My heart sank a little when she told me she had "the disease that makes you forget everything" but couldn't remember the name. When I reminded her of "Alzheimers" she seemed to snap back into a more conscious state and began to tear up, fully aware of her disease and ultimate condition. I think we both had a bit of a reality check in that short moment.

After group, I was a bit more familiar with the patients and Ms. Endreson and I decided that they all deserved a fun, crafty activity to get their weekend started: paper hats! I was inspired by my past weekend at the Scottsdale Arts Festival and eagerly told Ms. Endreson about the crafts we do there. I've volunteered at the festival for the past several years in the kid's section making paper hats. I was quite convinced the Bridges patients would enjoy a similar activity. Confused about the paper hats? Enjoy these entertaining pictures of me in the past and this year at the festival:

My brother seems so skeptical...But those hats though 

Shameless selfie? Yes.

Anywho, Ms. Endreson and I substituted newspaper for the brown paper you see in the pictures. Our art therapy session began with only a few patients but a couple more wandered in after a while. As always, we had a bunch of materials available so patients could do whatever they pleased if the project didn't interest them. A couple patients decided to wander in and paint/draw pictures, while the others created and decorated their hats. One patient painted sailboats all over his hat, while another added gold bedazzle to hers. Ms. Endreson and I got as involved as we could and helped the patients add color with acrylic paint. I shared a lovely moment with one of the patients as he painted the rim of his hat blue, all the while explaining to me how he used to paint engine parts and refurbish mechanics. As lunch time rolled around, our art table looked like this:

We made boat hats like the red one you see in this picture as well as big sun-hats
After lunch, we did not have any formal group or art sessions scheduled, but we figured we would give the patients an "open studio." We figured some might want to keep working on their hats and turned on the TV in the art room to the UofA basketball game. The TV ploy brought in a few patients who began to fiddle with the art supplies after a while. I was particularly excited about one patient with severe Schizophrenia who came in and drew picture after picture for a good 45 minutes. He usually can't sit still for more than a few minutes, so when he kept asking me for pieces of paper to draw guitars and what he described as "spaceships" I was happy to supply them. 

As the patients worked on their projects, I took a seat at the same table and put some finishing touches on the value game. Ms. Endreson and I were actually able to sit down with one of the patients that day and observe as she sorted the cards. I was absolutely thrilled with what I saw and took a bunch of notes on the mini case study. In fact, I was so excited that I decided that the entire experience deserves its own post. You can expect to see it sometime tomorrow. 

Until then! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Slower Start

Hello All!

One of the techs at Bridges today greeted me with a "TGIF" but I was only able to quietly reply with a little laugh because it in fact did not feel like a Friday to me. Today was my first day of SRP in Tucson for the week. (If you're new and not aware of my schedule, I spend two days in Tucson each week, eight hours a day in St. Mary's Hospital).

So, needless to say, I was fresh and awake for a day of work today. Unfortunately though, my mentor, Ms. Endreson, greeted me this morning with the news that she was feeling a bit under the weather. Around 9:30 she told me she was going to have to go home and rest. So I was left in the art room at Bridges. Just me, myself, and art supplies...I suppose I'm pretty used to that.

Anyway, I figured I would use this post to give you all a couple visuals. I wasn't able to do any group work today, but I got some work done on that special game. So for your viewing pleasure here is a lovely panoramic of the art room we usually work in:

Yes, there is exercise equipment in the corner. No, we do not use it for our art activities. 
And this is a sneak peak at the game I've been working on: 

The Value Game 
To explain a bit, the game is meant to give patients an opportunity to organize their values. Each little white card in the picture (there are 100 in total) has a value name printed on it. The values range from very deep things, such as acceptance and openness, the more superficial, such as attractiveness and wealth. But I suppose it's really not up to me to decide which ones are deep or not...

But what do little cards with values on them have to do with art therapy? Well the twist I have added to the game is a visual counterpart to each value card. I've spent a huge amount of time hunting down visual representations of all 100 values. Ms. Endreson and I are curious to see what a difference these visuals will make. When asked to place each value under a category, either "Very Important To Me" or "Not Very Important To Me," will the patients rank the white cards with words the same way they rank the pictures? What extra layer of importance will a certain value have when a patient sees it in picture form? There are a number of questions I am so anxious to have answered soon. I'll keep you all updated. 

I have a feeling this activity will be really interesting to see used with the geriatric patients as well because 1. it requires very little effort on the patient's side and 2. can easily bring up memories and/or stories that these patients tend to love to share. 

I spent the rest of my day in the hospital reading a bunch of art therapy articles. (The hospital cafeteria is a surprisingly good place for me to focus...maybe it's all the chatting of the nurses that's strangely calming). One of the articles I found particularly fascinating was "Art Therapy With a Hemodialysis Patient: A Case Analysis" by Miki Nishida and Jane Strobino. The abstract of the report can be read below: 

Art therapy has been used to support the coping skills of patients with various medical illness. The purpose of this case study was to examine  the usefulness of art therapy in promoting communication and positive sense of well-being in a hemodialysis patient. The participant was a 57-year-old  Caucasian female who had been treated with hemodialysis for the past 3 years. Two art therapy sessions per week were provided for 4 weeks. The participant was able to express enjoyment with her artistic expressions and challenge herself to learn something new. Following completion of art therapy, the participant indicated a feeling of accomplishment and an increased sense of control and self-confidence. Although these results cannot be generalized, they are worthy of further investigation. Thus, application of art therapy with other hemodialysis patients is recommended. 

The article went into incredible detail about each session of therapy the patient went through and I loved the way all the data was presented. Not only did I recognize a number of similarities between this study and the Bridges sessions, but I also got several examples of what to look for in an individual art therapy session, something I hope to be able to do soon at Bridges. We will have to see what the future holds! 

Until next time, 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

What makes you a super hero?

Hello all! (Just so you all know, I had this whole post written and accidentally deleted it ugh! I apologize for any lack of quality in this second version)

So I switched my days to Wednesday and Thursday this week. I'm going to try to cover two days in one post. The journey down to Tucson was, again, very boring. But the work I got to do at Bridges made it all worth it.

Wednesday was a rather slow day. I arrived at Bridges at 9am to find that five patients had been discharged the night before and there were only four left on the unit. Needless to say, it was a rather quiet day at Bridges.

But despite the apparent lack of energy, Ms. Endreson greeted me and asked me to accompany her to a meeting with the nurses, occupational therapist, supervisor, and head nurse practitioner on the unit. For future reference, they call these meetings "staffing." I listened closely as Betty, the nurse practitioner, meticulously reviewed the needs of the current four patients.

One of the things I really liked hearing in staffing was Betty's suggestion to use cognitive tests to measure patient progress. It was something I was looking into before, in an attempt to collect some sort of quantitative data, so I was excited when Betty coincidentally mentioned some of the same tests that I had found. This one, the MoCA, is one I think is most promising:

No...MoCA does not have anything to do with mocha coffee, unfortunately. Or the Museum of Contemporary Art, for that matter. 
I learned that there are actually several versions of the MoCA, so I hope to be able to use them as a sort of pre-test and post-test for art therapy sessions, either group or individual. Who knows, I might not see any notable results. But I figured it's worth a shot!

After staffing, I took a few hours to sit in Ms. Endreson's office and work on the super secret game (shh it's still not quite done). We then grabbed a quick lunch and headed back to Bridges to end the day with a group session and, finally, an art session.

Only three patients joined us for the group session at the North end of the unit. Inspired by NPR StoryCorps  , we focused on memories and conversation during group. We went around our small circle and asked each other questions:

"Who has been the most kind to you in your life?"
"What are some funny stories your friends/family tell about you?"
"Do you have any regrets?"

The informal interviews were a great lead into our art therapy project later that day. We chose collage, a material that requires much less effort and is much less intimidating, since we noted the slow feeling about the unit. The "rules" were to create a three part piece, depicting your past, present, and future. One patient followed the project guidelines, but the other two were much less involved. One simply collected small cut-outs of cats, while another flipped through car magazines. So, I figured I would share my collage, just to get some color up in here: 

I threw this together rather quickly. It's certainly not my best work. 
Thursday was much livelier and more productive. Five new patients were admitted, leaving us with a total of nine patients on the unit. I got to sit in on three group sessions: an early morning group with Ms. Endreson, Cassie's Reminiscence group, and the art therapy group. 

The morning group was quite similar to Wednesday's group, but served as more of an icebreaker for the new patients. Six patients sat around a circle with Ms. Endreson and I and we all paired up. We conducted mini interviews and asked each other three questions: Who are you? Where are you from? What would help you? After the interviews, each pair introduced each other to the group. It was a lovely start to the day. 

Cassie's  reminiscence group was the most popular event of the day. The discussion was based on ideas of strength. Cassie, Randy (the unit supervisor), and I joined eight other patients in the day room. One patient, who had been very reluctant to join any groups previously, even took a seat with us. I was really pleased with the turn out. We began by naming our favorite super heroes, from our childhood or just in general. As we went around the circle, patients named characters like Superman, Mighty Mouse, The Lone Ranger, and even Napoleon. Cassie quickly transitioned to asking the patients "What makes you a super hero?" 

The patients, forced to consider their strengths, listed traits such as patience, persistence, and organization. We ended on a positive note and headed into art therapy with ideas of strength on our minds. During a short break between groups, I hurried into the art room with Ms. Endreson, to peruse bunches of magazines and cut our images of "strength." Eventually, the activity table was covered with images of men working out, ballerinas, hawks, soldiers, rock climbers, and just about anything you could think of. We hoped the images would help kickstart any reluctant newbies. Often times, a visual stimulus is all a patient needs to get started. 

Six patients joined us to create collages of their perceptions of strength. However, like always, the "rules" were broken. After a while, the collage images on the table were joined by colored pencils, markers, and stencils. We decided to give the patents freedom to create whatever they liked. And they did. One patient created a strikingly evocative portrait, while another created a campaign poster of some sort. 

We started out the session with classical music playing in the background, but about half way through, a patient got up to change the radio to "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell, which (if you haven't heard) sounds like this:

How's that for an art therapy vibe? It was a great way to end the day. The entire session took on a very cozy, homey feeling towards the end. The patients got quite invested in their work and I could tell they got something out of it.

Anyway. I had a wonderful time in Tuscon this past week. Next week is spring break for me, so I will be working on that secret game and reading a bunch of art therapy articles. Get excited!

Until next time,

Monday, March 2, 2015

An Explanation

Hi all,

So I've been reading a lot of papers and articles about art therapy these past couple days and they've all been filled with a ton of statistics and data. As much as the artsy side of me would like to stray away from these cold numbers and labels, the sciency side of me realizes that a good research project has some sort of order to it.

So I want to share with you all a chart that Ms. Endreson gave to me a few weeks ago. It was created by Sharon Sousa, the Associate Dean at the College of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. I went ahead and embellished it a bit with some colors to show you how it relates to the work we do at Bridges.

Patients are admitted to Bridges when they are in the red zone of the chart and are discharged when they are somewhere around the green zone (some characteristic vary from person to person). When I observe group and art therapy sessions, I pay particular attention to the social skills category as well as patients' facial expressions, speech, and interest in others.

I hope this helps a bit to explain what exactly I'm thinking about and what goals we're trying to reach. I'll try to keep a healthy balance of fun artwork pictures and helpful charts in the future.


Nobody Understands _______ About Me

Hello all!

So it turns out I didn't have to pee in a cup for that drug screening. Instead, I sat in the Carondelet Associate and Wellness office with a thermometer-like thingy in my mouth until it collected enough saliva. It was a great start to the day...

Anyway, all bodily fluid discussion aside, Friday was another busy day at Bridges. Three patients were scheduled to discharge and towards the end of the day we had another admit. But despite the hectic atmosphere, group session and art therapy were quite productive.

For our group session, Ms. Endreson suggested a more interactive "check in" (as opposed to simple conversation). We had each patient fill in the blanks and draw a portrait on this worksheet:

Here are some of the results:

Most patients, again, shared very personal stories with such a simple task. The portraits seemed to be secondary to many of them, but were still a good exercise in self-reflection.

As I drew my portrait, one of the patients commented: "Wow. I wish I could ask you to draw mine for me!" I was of course flattered, but I was even more taken aback by the fact that he had practically guessed the art therapy activity. Ms. Endreson and I exchanged glances as soon as he said it.

The art therapy activity of the day was a paired activity. One person in each pair was to play the role of "master," while the other played "servant" (we didn't exactly say servant, but you know...the person who does the dirty work). The master had to instruct the other partner what to draw and how to draw it. We hoped the activity would help the patients learn to not only cooperate, but to see how other's think and feel.

I worked with a patient who, again, did not speak english very well ( after three Spanish speaking patients, I am beginning to regret my foreign  language choice). But as my partner timidly explained an image for me to draw, I tried my best.

The patient explained to me that this was an image of his church, complete with a parking lot and musicians. 
We switched positions after a while and I tried to explain to him how to draw a rose. It was frustrating for the both of us, to say the least. He did eventually end up with a rose-like thing on his page, but with the combination of the language barrier and my (probably) overly bossy approach, it was a bit of a mess. I'd say we both learned something.

The other patient pairs encountered similar struggles with their pieces. I could sense which patients had more dominant personalities and which patients had more submissive personalities. I hope they realized the same thing.

PS Here's what some of the clay pieces look like from Thursday (the prehistoric fish is in the top right corner). We might add some color in the future!

Until next time,